Rezka Nayatama



A Greener Path Forward

Cultivating a Greener Path Forward in Plant-Based Manufacturing This unassuming root vegetable, native to Southeast Asia, has emerged as a game-changer in the pursuit of sustainable, cruelty-free, and health-conscious products. In this editorial, we’ll explore the remarkable potential of konjac as a key ingredient in the plant-based manufacturing revolution. Plant-based manufacturing is not just a …

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Sustainability at The Heart of Konjac : Nurturing Nature, Nourishing Future

Sustainability at the Heart of Konjac: Nurturing Nature, Nourishing Future In an era defined by environmental consciousness, sustainability has become the touchstone of responsible business practices. At PT Rezka Nayatama, we recognize the profound importance of sustainability, especially in our engagement with Konjac, the core of our enterprise. Beyond being a versatile ingredient, Konjac is …

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Harvesting Konjac: A Seasonal Bounty Of Health

Harvesting Konjac: A Seasonal Bounty of Health Are you curious about how those nutritious konjac noodles or foods make their way to your plate? In this article, we’ll take you on a journey through the Konjac harvesting process. You’ll discover the seasons for harvesting, the best techniques, and why it matters. The konjac plant, scientifically …

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10 Fakta Menarik Porang yang Perlu Kalian Ketahui

1. Tumbuhan yang berbeda Walau berasal dari famili yang sama mereka adalah tumbuhan yang berbeda. Konjac yang merupakan tanaman asli dari Jepang memiliki nama latin Amorphophallus Konjac, sedangkan porang yang memiliki nama latin Amorphophallus muelleri blume merupakan tanaman asli dari Indonesia. 2. Toleran Tanaman Porang memiliki sifat yang tahan terhadap naugan sehingga dapat dibudidayakan di …

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10 Fakta Menarik Konjac yang Perlu Kalian Ketahui

1. Proses Mendidih Dalam proses merebus mie Konjac, hampir tidak ada kemungkinan overcooking atau kematangan. Alternatif yang tepat untuk orang yang memiliki rutinitas padat. 2. Pengejaan Cara yang tepat untuk mengeja nya adalah “kohn-yak”. 3. Singkatan Singkatan sains dari Konjac Gum  adalah E425 yang sangat lazim ditemukan diberbagai bentuk seperti permen karet dan jelly. 4. …

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Akibat Pandemi – Besaran Pasar Konjac

Amidst the pandemic, people have shifted their focus and lifestyle towards a more healthy and balanced diet. Thus, the overall food ecosystem has been entirely impacted. As the COVID-19 have higher risk towards people with previously diagnosed diseases, such as excessive weight and unhealthier lifestyle, the need for a healthy alternative have significantly increased.  With …

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